Planning Services

Planning Services is responsible for overseeing and guiding private development activities in the City of Gridley. Major activities include administration of planning regulations, assistance to the public and to private developers on City permit applications, conducting environmental review under CEQA and providing staff assistance to the Planning Commission and City Council on development related permits. Planning Services is also an active participant on the City's Economic Development Team and is responsible for future planning.

Click here for the Admin Draft 2022-2030 Housing Element

The public review period for comments will end February 14, 2025 and the city will accept comments in writing or email to until that date. 

Click here for the updated Gridley General Plan Map

Click here for the updated Gridley Zoning Map


Zoning Administration
Planning staff administers the Zoning Ordinance by responding to public inquires, provides interpretations on development projects, prepares staff reports for Planning Commission and City Council review, and attends public hearings. Revisions to this ordinance are also prepared.

Advanced Planning
All public and private development activities are reviewed for consistency with the Gridley General Plan. Amendments are also processed by the Planning Staff. Special planning studies such as specific plans or development of new ordinances such as Telecommunication Facilities are prepared or overseen by staff.

Environmental Review
Environmental review under the CEQA guidelines are conducted by the Planning staff for all discretionary projects. This involves determination of the appropriate level of environmental review such as whether an environmental impact review is needed.

 Butte County Air Quality Management District

  Butte County Association of Governments

 California State Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit

Contact Information

For Public Outreach Comments:
Planning Services - Planner Christopher Smith
685 Kentucky St
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-3631




Gridley, Ca (MPG) - The City of Gridley is beginning the process to update the 2014-2022 Housing Element of the 2030 General Plan. 

After the adoption of the 2030 General Plan in 2010, the City created the 2009-2014 Housing Element.  The Housing Element is a review of the community and identifies what the housing needs are and creates ways to meet housing for all income levels.  This is the second update of the Housing Element during the life of the City’s 2030 General Plan, the 6th planning cycle.

The State of California passed legislation aimed at reducing barriers thus streamlining housing construction to meet the increasing demand.  The state determines how much land must be made available to build homes in each County.  This is called the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) defined as a number of units that need to be provided for.  The County, Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG), then determines the number of homes each city is responsible for in providing land available for housing. Cities are required to ensure that adequate land is zoned for residential use.  BCAG also determines the ratio of housing that is needed related to income levels.

The unmet need allocated housing units for income levels for the 2009-2014 Housing Element determined 91 units for very low income, 17 units for low income, 180 units for moderate income, and 0 units for above moderate income.  The income levels are based on the Butte County Median Income levels. 

The Regional Housing Needs Allocation for the 2014-2022 Housing Element created a total of 322 units for very low income, 135 units for low income, 279 units for moderate income, and 321 units for above moderate income.  To date, the city has made land available to meet the number of units required.

The construction of units between 2014 and 2022 reduced the low income and above moderate income units by 85 and 128, respectively.  This reduction in combination with the new allocation require the City to ensure land available for residential housing be provided for a total of 1,189 units comprised of 440 very low income units, 91 low income units, 309 moderate income units and 349 above moderate income units.  

The City needs to provide land area for a total of 1,189 housing units.  To that end, all California local governments are required to prepare a housing element (or housing chapter of the General Plan) that specifies how the community will plan for its housing needs.  The city plans for the location for additional housing units—the city does not build the units, rather, it makes sure there is land dedicated to residential uses.

The Housing Element identifies policies and implementation measures to support additional housing.  This is a community effort and it is important to hear ideas from the community to help develop the plan.   It is organized around the following key issues: 1. Housing Quality 2. Housing Quantity 3. Remove Constraints to Housing 4. Affordable Housing 5. Equal Housing Opportunity 6. Natural Resources and Energy Conservation.

The city is interested in receiving comments from the community that will help provide improved policies and strategies for the 2022-2030 Housing Element Update.