Electric Department
To report an electric outage or a broken city water line during normal working hours, please call our customer service phone at (530) 846-5695. If you are calling after normal working hours to report an electric outage or broken city water line, please call our outage hotline at (530) 846-3143. Crews are on standby to restore power or make repairs.
As one of the oldest California municipal power agencies, established in 1910, the City of Gridley Electric Utility oversees the delivery of wholesale power, maintains and operates the local electric distribution system, is involved in engineering and advance planning for improvements, replacement and expansion of distribution system, and maintenance and operation of the City's street lighting system.
Distribution System
The Electric Utility Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance associated with the reliable distribution of electricity to residential and commercial customers from the City's interconnection with PG&E's 60 thousand volt transmission line at Gridley's Electric Substation located on Fairview Drive. Major staff responsibility and associated costs are also appropriated toward new construction, system expansion and replacement, which are augmented and funded through the City's Capital Budgets.
Solar Permits - The State of California allows electric utilities who’ve met a minimum threshold of solar production to implement a new solar buyback rate. Gridley’s Electric Utility has exceeded the required threshold and is now offering to its residents the new Solar 2.0 Program. All customer-generators (hereinafter referred to as Customer) who apply for interconnection ON or AFTER January 22, 2020, will be enrolled in Gridley Electric Utility's Solar 2.0 Program. Current solar Customers and those who’ve applied prior to January 22, 2020, will remain on the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program unless they choose to enroll in Gridley Solar 2.0. Please see additional details below.
Procurement of Wholesale Power - Serving the Electric Utility, the City Administrator is responsible for the purchase of power for the City. This includes overseeing the City's share of the Northern California Power Agency's (NCPA) generation projects and the Federal Western Area Power Administration's Central Valley Project allocation.
Gridley Electric Utility Power Content Label
Helpful Links
Butte County Air Quality Management District http://www.bcaqmd.org/
Northern California Power Agency http://www.ncpa.com/
California ISO http://www.caiso.com/
Contact Information
Utility Director Ross Pippitt
444 Fairview Drive
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-5695
Welcome to Gridley’s New Solar 2.0 Program!
What is Gridley’s Solar 2.0 Program?
The State of California allows electric utilities who’ve met a minimum threshold of solar production to implement a new solar buyback rate. Gridley’s Electric Utility has exceeded the required threshold and is now offering to its residents the new Solar 2.0 Program. All customer-generators (hereinafter referred to as Customer) who apply for interconnection ON or AFTER January 22, 2020, will be enrolled in Gridley Electric Utility's Solar 2.0 Program. Current solar Customers and those who’ve applied prior to January 22, 2020, will remain on the Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program unless they choose to enroll in Gridley Solar 2.0.
How Does Gridley Solar 2.0 Work?
For all new solar systems that are approved and permitted, a multi-register electric meter shall be installed. Following the meter installation, the Utility Billing Division will update your account to reflect the location has a Gridley Solar 2.0 multi-register metered account. All energy (kWh) delivered and received after the customer serves its own instantaneous load shall be measured by the multi-register meter. This is a special meter which is certified to accurately record both the power used from the utility and the surplus generation sent back to the utility and is necessary for you to receive the full benefit of your solar system. When the solar system is operating during the day, it is possible to have times when the solar system produces more energy than the home is using. When this happens, the excess energy generated automatically goes through the multi-register electric meter into Gridley Electric Utility's distribution grid, and the excess energy generated will post as a credit on your monthly utility bill at the buyback rate of $0.045 per kwh. . At other times of the day, your electric use may be higher than the solar system is producing and you must rely on additional power from Gridley Electric Utility. When this happens, the energy supplied by the City posts as a charge on your utility account, in accordance with the City Master Fee Schedule, that’s billed and due monthly. The multi-register meter does not affect the quality of the electric power supplied. Customers installing solar will be assessed the cost for the new multi-register meter upgrade and installation if one is not already installed at the location.
Who Qualifies for Gridley Solar 2.0?
Your system qualifies if it is:
- Applied for on or after January 22, 2020, and
- A solar, wind, and/or solar/wind hybrid electric system, and
- Located on the premises of the end user customer, where the customer’s own electricity demand is located, and
- Interconnected behind the electric meter of record, and
- Generating no more than 100 percent of the customer’s annual energy (kWh) usage but is less than or equal to 1,000 kW, as defined in Gridley Electric Utility’s standards for interconnection, and
- Operating parallel with the City’s electric utility system, and designed to offset part of, but no more than 100 percent of, the customer’s meter of record total annual kilowatt-hour electric load.
What’s the Buyback Rate and Will My Electric Bill Really be Zero?
Customer generated kWh received by the utility shall be compensated at the Surplus Energy Distributed Generation (DG) Compensation rate of $0.045 per kWh. The DG rate is subject to revision by the City Council as energy prices and system requirements change. All Gridley Solar 2.0 customers shall pay the same electric monthly basic service charges and other charges identified by state law and/or City ordinance as a mandatory charge according to the terms and conditions of the rate which would be assigned if they were a non-solar customer. Your monthly electric bill will reflect these basic service charges in addition to any usage charges for the times your consumption was higher than your solar production.
I Already Have Solar, Does Gridley Solar 2.0 Affect Me?
Effective January 22, 2020, existing NEM customers can choose to expand their current system size provided the kWh production does not exceed the previous 12 months usage as calculated using the PVWatts calculator found here: https://pvwatts.nrel.gov/. NEM Customers can choose to expand their system size by up to 10 percent and remain on the NEM Program with its associated Surplus Energy Distributed Generation (DG) Compensation rate of $0.162 per kWh which is based upon the Tier 1 Energy Commodity Charge Rate as approved by the City Council. NEM Customers who choose to expand their system size in excess of 10 percent will be transferred out of the NEM Program in to the new Gridley Solar 2.0 Program and its associated Surplus Energy Distributed Generation (DG) Compensation rate of $0.045 per kWh.
Gridley’s Solar 2.0 Program applies to all Customers that apply for interconnection ON or AFTER January 22, 2020. All new systems, and all existing NEM systems expanding more than 10% must complete the attached Interconnection Agreement and obtain the proper permits. Existing NEM Customers who choose to expand by 10 percent or less shall obtain the proper permits to do so.
How to Enroll in the Gridley Solar 2.0 Program?
Click here for the Application for Solar Installations in Gridley
Click here for the Gridley Interconnection Agreement
The following Application Review Fees are due at the time of application submittals:
$160 - Photovoltaic/Solar Electric Generating Facility Rated at 10 KW or Less
$320 - Photovoltaic/Solar Electric Generating Facility Rated higher than 10 KW
For more information please contact City Hall at (530) 846-3631.
Attaching items to Power Poles Is Dangerous….and Illegal. You may be billed for the damage to our poles and for costs associated with removal of signage and nails.
Attaching signs or other objects to utility poles without the Gridley’s Electric Utility’s consent is against the law and can be dangerous for our linemen. Signs and other illegal attachments to power poles make the poles extremely hazardous—and sometimes impossible—for line workers to climb and make repairs.
It only takes a nail partially driven into a pole to cause serious injury to a line worker. Nail holes also allow moisture to enter wooden poles, causing premature decay and the expense of early replacement.
Gridley Electric respectfully asks the public to please refrain from placing signs or other structures on power poles. Please step into the lineman’s shoes! Gridley line crews climb utility poles at all hours of the day and night, in the worst of conditions. Signs, posters, and other items attached to utility poles can create serious hazards for our line personnel. Sharp objects like nails, tacks, staples or barbed wire can puncture rubber gloves and other safety equipment, making linemen vulnerable to electrocution.
Please be respectful of our Gridley Electric Utility equipment and property.
The City of Gridley Electric Department does not expect any impacts to our community due to the PG&E implementation of their Public Safety Power Shut-off Program (PSPS) in their designated fire danger areas.
The City of Gridley Electric Department is highly committed to the well-being of our valued residents and their property. Our Electric Department clears vegetation from the vicinity of power lines in both Gridley and Biggs in an effort to prevent system reliability and fire issues. Consequently, the City does not anticipate the need to shut off electric power.
Click here to read the City of Gridley's Wildfire Mitigation Plan
Click here to link to the Butte County Map of Fire Risk Areas
To report an electric outage or a broken city water line during normal working hours, please call our customer service phone at (530) 846-5695. If you are calling after normal working hours to report an electric outage or broken city water line, please call our outage hotline at (530) 846-3143. Crews are on standby to restore power or make repairs.
For all other emergency or life-threatening calls dial 9-1-1
WHAT TO DO AND NOT TO DO WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT - Stay safe by following these simple tips:
- Turn off major appliances and computer equipment to prevent damage from possible power surges when the power is restored
- Use your portable radio to listen for updates
- Try and leave the refrigerator and freezer doors closed to keep food as fresh as possible
- Make sure your pets have plenty of water and food
- Leave one light fixture on so you know when the power has been restored
- Drink plenty of water in hot weather, even if you don’t feel thirsty to avoid dehydration
- Eliminate unnecessary travel, especially by car as street and traffic lights may not be operational
- Don’t panic
- Don’t call 9-1-1 to ask about the power outage – this is an emergency line only
- Don’t use candles – they are a fire risk!
- Don't place anything on the stove
- Don’t use a gasoline or diesel-powered generator in living spaces and always read the instruction manual before using
- Don’t approach any downed power lines – they may still be live
- Restore power to your house slowly to avoid overloading the power grid
- Check on neighbors that may require help when getting their home back in order
- Replenish your emergency kit
- Check your home’s security system to ensure proper function
- Inspect your home for any damages that may have occurred during the outage (fallen tree limbs, water damage, etc.)
- Inspect your perishable food items. Depending on how long the power was out, you may need to discard items. Consult the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website for more information at: