Request for Proposals - Housing Element Update
The City of Gridley is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to assist in completing its Housing Element update in compliance with state requirements. Proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on April 3, 2025. For more information or to obtain a copy of the RFP, please contact Christopher Smith at or 530-846-3631 The City of Gridley reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposal process. Please Click Here: Request for Proposals
...Read MoreNotice Inviting Bids - Metal Pedestal
CITY OF GRIDLEY REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS The City of Gridley is accepting sealed bids for the sale of eight (8) 12-foot sections of metal pedestal framework. These sections are approximately 16 inches square and can be bolted together to extend vertically, making them ideal for mounting an antenna above a structure. Sealed Bid Submission Deadline: All sealed bids must be received no later than 12:00 PM (Noon) on March 18, 2025 Bid Submission Address: City of Gridley Attn: C. Santana 685 Kentucky Street Gridley, CA 95948 Bid Requirements: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Sealed Bid – Metal Pedestal Sections." Bids must include the bidder’s name,…
...Read MoreRequests for Proposals - Americans with Disabilities Act Self -Evaluation and Transition Plan
Requests for Proposals - Americans with Disabilities Act Self -Evaluation and Transition Plan Requests for Proposals - Americans with Disabilities Act Self -Evaluation and Transition Plan - Addendum 1 Requests for Proposals - Americans with Disabilities Act Self - Evaluation and Transition Plan - Addendum 2
...Read MoreNotice for Contractors
Gridley 2023 Notice to Contractors Gridley Contractor Application
...Read MoreGridley Pacific Flyway Project
Please use the links below to view documents for this project. Pacific Flyway Initial Study Pacific Flyway Appendices
...Read MoreNotice of Exemptions
Wilson Well Assessment Notice of Exemption Waterline Replacement Notice of Exemption
...Read MoreLocal Roadway Safety Plan
The City wants your input! The City is developing a Local Roadway Safety Plan. Please report areas of concern or provide feedback at City of Gridley Local Roadway Safety Plan | LRSP (
...Read MoreGridley Feather River Sewer Crossing Project
FINAL - Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration GRIDLEY FEATHER RIVER SEWER CROSSING PROJECT
...Read MoreApply to fill a volunteer Planning Commissioner Seat
Want to get involved and help plan Gridley’s future? If so, please consider applying to become a volunteer Gridley Planning Commissioner. The Gridley City Council is in the process of filling one Planning Commissioner seat vacancy. If interested, please complete the required questionnaire, and submit the completed application to the City Clerk at City Hall. Planning Commissioners must live within the Gridley City limits. Please call (530) 846-3631 for more information. Please click here to access the required application and questionnaire. Thank you for your dedication to our wonderful community!
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