Notice Inviting Bids - Gridley Sports Complex Phase 1

Notice to Contractors is hereby given.

The City of Gridley (“City”) will receive sealed envelope bids only for The Gridley Sports Complex Phase 1 at City Hall of the City of Gridley 685 Kentucky Street Gridley, CA 95948 until 2:00 PM, December 5,2024. At which time or thereafter said bids may be read aloud. Bids shall be valid for 90 calendar days after the bid opening date.

The work shall consist of the following: Constructing a concrete plaza, gravel parking lot, grading and excavating the existing retention basin, installing sports field lighting, installing a new drainage system, and demoing existing facilities shown on the plans.

The contractor is to carefully examine the site of the proposed work and is to make his or her own determination of the scope of the work to be performed, and he or she is to carefully examine all Contract Documents. No Prebid meeting will be held.

BID SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: No proposal will be accepted unless it is made on a Proposal form furnished by the City of Gridley within these Specifications. To ensure consideration, the Proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope. Clearly marked BID PROPOSAL which also bears the name of the project and the date and time set for opening of Proposals:

Bid Proposal

The Gridley Sports Complex Phase 1

December 5th, 2024 2:00 PM

December 16, 2024 2:00 PM

Bidding requirements, bid forms, plans and specifications for this project can be obtained at the City website Gridley California (, Valley Contractor Exchange website ( or CIPList website (CIP

The Engineer’s Estimate for this project is $3,783,000 including the alternative bid.

Please direct any bidding questions to Dave Harden (, at November 18th, 2024 at 5:00 PM.

Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set 

Addendum #1 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set

Addendum #2 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set 

Addendum #3 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set

Addendum #4 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set

Addendum #5 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set

Addendum #6 to Gridley Sports Complex Bid Specs Set

Gridley Sports Complex Full Bid Plan Set


Bidders List and Project Totals 

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